Phase Two Budget
Before reading Phase Two it is wise to have read, or be aware of at least the following information. We recommend when you read you be aware of the Thinking Filters in our educational Materials – as these are some of the filters we invite fellow human beings to participate in our “program for a Culture of Peace”.)

Thinking filters:

We trust you find these filters sufficiently open ended in their make-up that such openness does not invoke “fear” into your human psyche, but rather allows you to proceed with the open mindedness of an “awakened being” however you perceive that to be.

Now this is the real starting Point.

Read the Business Plan and review any reference documents in the Business Plan – noting a rather well hidden component of our strategy – and that is the training of Olympians to deliver our Messages through teaching values in the schools, community, and where ever doors are opened to these “olympians”.

If you have managed to get this far – then you have to read the following information in Phase Two from the perspective of what it is you want to do in life. How can you participate in a Culture of Peace, and be most efficient with your participation. I am sure you already have a busy life. What do you want to do within our program that takes the least of your energy – unless of course you want and desire to go through transformational change – that is another story – and we trust you are already in some aspect of that exploring.

Our Second Phase consists totally of individuals that are desiring to understand the notion of transformational education and what that means.

Each of us in our own way has insight into some aspect of that , and the clear value and opportunity is that we know that all those involved in our program are involved in what they describe as transformational change.

This might be scary as a construct because how can one achieve stability when every thing is changing.

The simple answer is we have agreed to work under the rules of the Manifesto 2000 document developed by the Nobel Laureates of our times, with additional teachings from Elders form many traditions – we have found these to be common core notions.

Reading the Manifesto, and addendum ideas are found in the January 2, 2002 Executive Summary.

This brings you up to date.

Now you are ready to read about Phase Two.

Phase One merely establishes the administration and infrastructure for development of the sales and marketing people. The Nobel Prize Book will be our business card – and this will go to the distribution list as provided by the publishers. We will develop programs and celebrations in a number of localities where our Board has a presence. Each event will be different according to the Board member and their commitment to participate in our Program – each has their own way of doing things, but each will be asked specifically to identify how they would like to Share the Nobel Book, and the opportunity that it represents to our total program.

Our budget below will support those events within budgets that are developed by our Team of players – (Business Plan) . We invite you to read below and figure out where in the plan your current work fits. How much do you need from our budget to accommodate your efforts? How can we help you meet our needs from our budget – see Proposed Barter which will be available to you if your program fits within our context.

When you read our budget figure out if you are on the revenue producing, or cost producing side of the budget

What role do you want to play. How do you want to play it?

If we know? Then we can look to support through our network.
see example:

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