Royson James _ Toronto Star Writer

Greetings Royson:

I read your article in the Toronto Star today just two days after we talked where I asked for a fair Reporting.  You have caused me a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I deserve better.,

How do you honour my campaign for peace and awakening of the human spirit?  and you choose - what? - silence.

I am asking for a fair reporting.  You mentioned that other man's name 9 times in your article. and you criticize his past demeanor.   (shoot from the lips politics)  Read your article.  What has this man done that he deserved to be mentioned at all - never mind 9 times.  Have you gone mad?    

I, a peacemaker, carrying the "heart of Africa",  who has stood for office twice before in Toronto,  to bring forth important messages of wise people - and you - in your sensibilities of what is right and wrong - choose to ignore my contribution, my activities, and both  my work over the past 9 years and the work that I am doing now. namely bringing forth a Department of Peace to Toronto  aligned with the US Movement for a Department of Peace.

Even after our conversation and blessing we experienced on Thursday - you in your own politically correct manner - choose to ignore me. 

Shame.  Shame .  Shame. Shame.

Criticize me if you must - but do not ignore me.   It is an insult to your higher self and a sin.

 Uncle - Angaangaq  the Man with his Uncles face has advised me to " Impress yourself".
Does your article impress yourself?

Why not become a peacemaker and impress yourself - that even you, a writer for the Toronto Star could become a Peacemaker.

Peace on your spirit before your next article.


Go for GOLD

Mitch Gold
First Nations Indigenous Trust
Institute for Global Accountants