Probes indicate a process of exploring ideas and concepts - to engage in discussion, argument, fodder for intellectuals and your average person  to discuss an issue  intelligently or frivolously.  But to be discussed!

The key PROBE word is PO

Historical Definition:
McLuhan, recognizing the shortened attention-span of a television-influenced audience, used epigrams, which he called "probes". McLuhan's probes are short snippets of wit, sometimes self-supportive and sometimes self-contradictory, calculated to elicit a reaction.

A good example of a McLuhan probe is "The medium is the message". McLuhan often utilized hyperbole as a rhetorical device to provoke discussion. When McLuhan says " the speed of light man has neither goals, objectives nor private identity. He is an item on the data bank-software only, easily forgotten", he is testing an audience, looking for an argument. At other times, he is eminently quotable: "We are living far ahead of our thinking" is today a commonplace that was startling when McLuhan said it at the end of the '60's

Michael LeBlanc   Associate Professor, NSCAD University
PROBES: For Toronto
Click on Probe for Video presentation of Probe
FREE TTC for Seniors and University Students
UNITED NATIONS Peace University
City- wide  use of Toronto Dollar
Vendor Purchasing Policy - Supporting Corporate Social Responsibility
Developing training programs for Industries of the Future  (Global Accountants)
Exploring Business decision making processes using: Salience, Causality, Sequencing and Resolution
Resolution of all Claims of the First Nations Peoples
Improvement of Governing Processes - Accountability and Transparency
A process for holding Politicians accountable for their decisions.
Functionality of the Toronto Islands as a vehicle for World Peace (Tourism)
Establish the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Department of Peace Initiative(chapters already exist in Ottawa, Vancouver and Victoria)