Promotion of MDG's in Canada

In the City Toronto Canada a Mayoral Candidate has as a platform issue involving both the UN Global Compact and the development of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) -

The Candidate is Mitch Gold. Many of you know him for his work over the past ten years as the Peacemaker - having made major presentations at
various world fora - The Hague Appeal for Peace, the Inaugural meeting of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace. His allies developed around the
world are being asked to write, telephone any Toronto Media or World Media to get his story out there.

Mitch Gold Carries the Unity Drum of Chief Arvol Looking Horse's Unity Ride and he carries it to all Mayor meetings. The local media has given
very limited exposure to the Peacemaker as he has not yet found his "stone canoe". Perhaps other peacemakers around the world might have some ideas for a stone canoe.

We do have a rock in Yorkville and area of Toronto where Mitch Gold has been "honorary sherriff for the past twenty years. An honorary Sherriff's
job is to promote positive energy. His campaign promoting the MDG's is a step in that direction.

But we need more attention on the issues of the Peacemaker. The Great Mind. How do we bring it into the consciousness of the Media? I am not here to tell you how we do it. I am here to tell you it need be done.

Please consider wisely how we might use this platform in Toronto to get the message of the Great Mind, the MDG's and the UN Global Compact into the consciousness of people involved in the corporate social responsibility movement. It is this movement that will assure the values of both the MDG's
and the UN Global Compact.

We are at the City level - for a guy who is apolitical - this is a silly place to be at - Mayor. Do I want to be Mayor - not likely - do you have
any idea what triviality they have to spend their lives with?

The message is not to get votes for me - the message is to get attention on my agenda. I am asking all candidates to endorse this agenda - after all it
is the agenda of Peace.

Please forward this to all media that you know.

By the way, the election day is November 10th.

I am recommending that people Go for the Gold - but vote for Miller (he is the closest to the thinking of the Great Mind) and best of all he listens.

Let's see how we can use the energy of Toronto to serve the MDG's.

Campaign vision: www.homeplanet.org/mayorgold

see http://www.homeplanet.org/mayorgold/vision.html Business process

for further info contact
Mitch Gold
Tel: 416-924-4449
Email: mgold@homeplanet.org
2 Bloor Street West Suite 100-209
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2 Canada
and visit www.homeplanet.org