World Peace Posse Update
Organizing Principles
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Education Beyond Borders
Puerto Penasco Progress

In the beginning there was peace. 

It was a matter of survival.  Darwin was only partially correct. It was NOT survival of the fittest that determined how we were to be - it was a matter of our "intention".   This is the most important aspect of a human being.  Intention.  Understanding ones self and ones intention brings us common aspects of ourselves that move us on an evolutionary journey. Look at all species and evolution was a matter of "intention".  The giraffe "intentionalized his neck, the birds intentionalized flight, the fish intentionalized breathing, and fins, and so on.  Surely the fittest survived - but the motivating force was "intention". 

 We humans have expanded our capacities and we have expanded our needs.  Psychologically we are coming to understand ourselves as part of the same family.   Science proves it beyond any doubt through DNA..     We have established very strange personal beliefs - allowing us to kill our brothers and sisters, rather than planning how to work together - we plan to control each other and inflict pain on each other as we continue in an old paradigm of fear, ignorance, greed and guilt. (the FIGG principles at work).  We allowed 26,000 people to die yesterday rather than intentionalize Peace.

We have gotten lazy.

It does not have to be that way - and we all know it.  When we come to understand ourselves and our personal capacities we easily come to know that we have control of the situation through our power of "Intention". This is how we might succeed in creating a peaceful world.

By intentionalizing Peace.  How we do this is so simple - our minds deny it.  It is a matter of making a decision that we can.  Once done it is a matter of process.  And therein lies the story of the World Peace Posse.  How do you become part of the World Peace Posse? 

First step is you take a vow of non violence.   Deepak Chopra had the insight to develop this aspect of the Posse.

Our next step is to have some common core educational constructs in order that we may communicate more fully with each other.  This is done with the first two letters of the word "Posse"  PO.  PO is not just the first two letters of a word - it is a process in itself.  PO has important meaning and a history as well.  Edward de Bono the father of lateral thinking defined the word back in the early 70's.  Imagine a word that conveyed the following:   "I think I know what you mean, but could you say it in another way that I may more fully understand you?"  or PO.  PO is a language laxative - encouraging communication, demonstrating respect and offering up a tool for supportive behaviours.  Why this word has been hidden from others over the years is quite perplexing to this Peacemaker.  Why have Peace educators not embraced the word?  I think it is mainly because Peace Educators have been talking to themselves for so long they do not recognize the importance of their process.  They tend to be "against" things rather than  "for" things.   Why are we still not more thoughtfully engaged using the Socratic methods for teaching?  Why is teaching so "didactic" so confrontational?  What are Educators afraid of?

Recently (Malaysia IAEWP  World Peace Congress 2008) a teaching process came forth to bring the Socratic method into the 21st Century - the term is Mathetics - a process for asking questions and educating through the process of asking questions.

This brings us to the beginning phase of the world peace posse.  And the Resolutions that are going to be addressed with our common Intention.

We now look to explore other common core curricula that we all might agree upon in order to develop the Posse on universal themes that are the same for every one - without judgement or spiritual bias.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

In this program and process we lay the foundation for a Peaceful world - where each of us is respected as a human being , where we agree on common values of the individual living and sharing together. Our first step is to identify we are in a transformational process.  All Transformations have four aspects - all of the time.  And in understanding transformation we are best served by understanding our own true selves to have 15 senses that encompass our behaviours.  Through these understandings we shape ourselves and our Posse.

  We echo the Prime Directive of Star Trek - "do no harm", and we also inspire a new prime directive - "all receiving is for the purpose of sharing" - this is expressed metaphorically through our "breath".    We breathe in  - receive our oxygen for survival, and we breathe out  (C02) to share with the Plants - the importance of our breathing becomes a center point for communication with each other and our higher self.  - with that as our intention then our understanding that we as peacemakers are connected to the Plants and the Green movement - we then move forward.  We look to the systems of the world and recognize that there are similar parallel movements taking our human energy away from our central theme:  Human Rights and justice, the Green Movement, the Universal Health Care movement, the movement towards renewable energy.  All these movements competing for dwindling dollars of support.  This is our strength.  We become a unifying force for Peace.  This is the message of the Ancient Ones - the coming together of the Eagle and the Condor that is part of our life and our message.

Our next step will be to integrate businesses into our sustainability model using the formula of Economics, Ethics, Energy, and Health.  Recognizing that corporations must Report to society on their processes of interaction with society - they then might become allies in the World Peace Process.  Our Process is the movement beyond triple bottom line Accounting Standards currently being accepted as a positive norm to aspire to - but clearly not thought through to the standards of our capacities as human beings who know better. 

Let you and I determine an intention to work together for World Peace through Intentionalizing Peace as a member of the World Peace Posse.  The World Peace Posse is developing through an open, transparent process of participation and welcomes you to play a role.

Together we can not fail.


© World Peace Posse 2009