Theme: "Food For Thought"
A Vision of the World Citizenship Challenge
World Citizenship Program
This Challenge is intended to get the conversation going on issues of importance. In order to become involved in the discussion it is helpful to become familiar with our suggested educational materials.
A Unit/Group Activity Co-operate with UNICEF's theme Towards Child Friendly Cities and the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP) in its International Peace City 2000 program, and to give meaning to "Think Globally, Act Locally"
To enable humans to become more aware of the values inherent in, and the responsibilities of, World Citizenship and to demonstrate this by participating in fundraising for the UNICEF/HPA Education Program Food For Thought.
Every world citizen will participate at the level they choose for themselves.
Rewards for active participation will vary from time to time.
- Register your vote for peace. Vote Now!
- Learn the definition of Global Citizenship and the Words on the Medicine Wheel.
- Learn at least one breathing exercise and one of the three Peace Messages. Learn DOn't waIT! hand gestures and greeting. Create your own peace message and post it to the homeplanet peace messenger.
- Become familiar with the Vision Changers Project. See the power of a Preferred World View. This demonstrates the idea that we need a vision of what we want in order to achieve it.
- Arrange for a teacher to talk to your group about the importance of global education (see Robert Muller New Genesis and a Global Ethic.)
- Help unit/group learn song, "Give Peace a Chance." or "Imagine". Discuss the power of a thought whose time has come.
- Write a letter to the Mayor of your city informing them of the importance of global citizenship and ask the Mayor to create a task force to participate in the IPC 2000 event in Greenwich England in the Year 2000, suggesting that your group would like to attend the Peace Pole Ceremony representing your City.
- (Watch the Video)(Hear the Story)or (perform the Play) "The Last One" in your group and have a discussion of the themes and ideas in the story and relevance to to-day. Make a presentation of this story to another group. Seniors, Cubs/Scouts. History of "The Last One"
- FOLKTALES OUR PARENTS TOLD US. Example story from grade 2/3 class of Harrison P.S. North York, Canada. Have each individual in the Unit /Group interview either their mother father, grandfather grandmother, etc and have them tell you a story from their lives. It could be a story that their grandparents told them. Identify the origin of the story (cultural heritage). Package stories into a book from your unit/group. If you choose, honour your father and mother through this medium forever. You could also honour their friends in the stories they tell, if it feels good to do so. Only identify people by name if you think it would make them feel good by seeing their name associated with yours.
- Write to a pen pal in another country telling them of the IPC2000 project and the importance of global citizenship.
- Create an object/ design/ to attach to the World Peace Pole to be used as part of the ceremony in Greenwich England in May 2000.
- Participate in the 1000 day question discussion. Chat.
- Purchase Friendship Pennies ($1) or Friendship Pins ($5) to give away to Friends to assist in getting the conversation going. Minimum order $10.
Be sure to include the adults in your unit/group.
Although this is suggested as a group activity, it may be completed by an individual.