Opening exercises - 15 min

Improv body movement techniques

Stretching movement - left side - right side


The subject matter - the lowdown!

The Home Planet Alliance training program has been created as a means of conveying how each and every one of us contributes in our own way - in every moment - to the planet as a whole.

So I guess you could say that our subject matter is about the understanding that:-

- we are inter-dependent, inter-connected and inter-related

- each and every one of us has unique skills, talents and needs - which are of equal importance

- no one individual or organization can perform the role or function of any other individual or organization

- by working together (as One) we will have our needs met

This document is a unique expression of that fact - just as you reading it is a unique expression of that fact!

What you will learn in this session:

In this initial session you will learn:-

what Home Planet Alliance's mission is

what Home Planet Alliance's vision is

what Home Planet Alliance's goals and objectives are

Our purpose for explaining this is twofold:

firstly, it's to show you that we're doing what we're teaching - we're living it - so it works!

secondly, its to show you the role you play in what we're doing!

Hold up HOME poster with HOME covered and ask what words come to mind - when the word home comes up reveal it!


The topics to be covered and the time allocated to each:

Background on HPA - mission - vision - goals & objectives


Use of perceptions

Global citizenship - it's meaning


The notion of sustainability

A business framework

etc.. to be developed further!!!


The subject matter - a broader perspective!

The big picture is about understanding that every moment enables you to experience you! What you think - and feel - and see - and smell - and hear. It's about your unique experience - how you perceive everything.

It's also about how you enable everything else to experience itself. Kind of like a big jigsaw puzzle - where you're one of the pieces.

It's understanding how to address your needs in your current reality - how to address others needs in your current reality - and how to work toward a planetary vision which supports your own vision.

Through learning a valid perspective which can be used in every moment to guide your decisions, you will develop and use your creativity to sustain your body, mind and spirit. In effect, you will put down a new blueprint into the subconscious.

In addition, you will be using materials which are designed to integrate this change into your Being. By this I mean they employ the techniques necessary to create such a change - basically the using of the materials is the process.

It's the true meaning of vertical integration. You see when anything is integrated vertically it is organized around a set of fundamental principles and concepts which are universally applicable. These basic ideas can be applied to every area and at every level, and can be revisited repeatedly from a variety a perspectives. When you learn to use concepts in this manner they become powerful bridges across which the transfer of learning occurs on a regular basis. Eventually the conscious and sub-conscious function as one harmonic unit.

How do all the individual topics fit together?

Naturally they are all inter-dependent, inter-connected, and inter-related - but they also stand alone. Basically, the understanding gained in each topic evolves into a different perception - a deeper understanding of the whole.

The training starts with body awareness - learning how we hold our experiences in our bodies - develop beliefs according to our experiences - which in turn guide our decisions - and the cycle is repeated. We move into exploring beliefs ...

write according to how the program develops


Glossary and definition of terms as used in this training program:



Big picture of reality


Core beliefs

Directing energy

Ecological Integrity

Group vision

Individual purpose

Individual vision


Paradigm Shift

Planetary purpose

Planetary vision

Prime directive


Small picture of reality



Vertical integration