International Association of Educators For World Peace NGO United Nations, ECOSOC, UNDP, UNICEF, UNCED, UNESCO 2 Bloor Street West Ste 100-209, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2 Tel. 416-924-4449 Fax. 416-924-4094 E-Mail: January 12, 1998 Attention Editor: re: editorial policy Dear sirs: It has been suggested to me to write a letter to the editor. This suggestion was made to me by your Ombudsman, to whom I had directed a complaint that our Millennium project received no mention in your end year story on the Millennium. I said that I recognized that the article was not intended to be an all inclusive article, but was intended to give a sense of what may be happening. Certainly the article does that even if it ignores our work and the support that our work has contributed to virtually every organization mentioned in your article. In any event, your ombudsman indicated that it was not his job to resolve this issue, that his function was more to do with editorial policy and complaints relating thereto. I find this a strange acknowledgment given that our programs main purpose is to get the conversation going on issues of importance - dealing with fundamental issues, as an alternative to the drivel that is normally reported in our newspapers. To this end, I made a formal complaint about editorial policy recommending him to refer to our website - to see for himself what we are doing and to consider the worthiness of our intention. I believe I have a proper complaint to make to the Star, since I have completed the first 100 days of a 1000 day program. I have traveled across Canada interviewing many of our Elders, business leaders, educators, and spiritual elders and just the plain "old" Canadians across the country - like the owner of the lodge in Batleford Saskatchewan or the students I met in the park in Banff - or the Swami in Edmonton, or the Native Elder in the Sweat Lodge on Gabriola. This is not even to mention the work I have done at the Executive Board meeting of UNICEF or the work I did in Cuba, nor the work I am planning over the next 900 days leading to our celebratory event in Greenwich England in the year 2000. On our site one will find the Voyage of the Peacemaker - the Elder in training, who is trying an experiment for human understanding to expand and grow because he believes that the story told every day in the newspaper disempowers the individual by destroying his or her sense of time. This sense of time that we all have is important, and it is about time that your newspaper should write. It should write about our time - the time we took to inform ourselves of the importance of the human spirit, To inform ourselves of the importance of time in every aspect of human behaviour and how our perception of time has been clouded by those limited minds that cannot move beyond the thought that E=mc2. Maybe you can ask your readers to look at our site and see if it is worthy of discussion - or is it a waste of your time to even think that far ahead.
Sincerely, |