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Individual Project Fellowships: Submitted
October 23, 1997
I would like to submit an Inquiry for an Individual Project Fellowship in order to promote an open society on an international level.
The project I am proposing deals with the root cause of corruption not just the problems that are the results of this problem. It not only provides specific ways to combat the perceived problem but will limit the harmful effects that are experienced in our day to day lives.
My project, which may be considered in its pilot stage is specifically intended to not only mobilize community discussion around public policy issues, but it is intended to provide a means for empowering active participation in the process of seeing public policy become the reality within a community.
Within the context of this far reaching proposal and beyond the need for the restructuring of schools both from a financial, governance and management basis is the clear need for a larger perspective to be brought to the content of the educational system. The content will be reflective of the local community as the focal point for this reform.
How is this miraculous proposal going to be achieved?
Through a change in the way people perceive their reality. Not from the perspective of the Nation State consciousness which has given us our limited perspectives, but rather from the perspective of world citizens. It is world citizenship that will provide the empowering glow within the hearts of men and women around the world as we realize some of the basic truths of our existence on planet earth.
This is our home. We are interconnected, inter-related and inter-dependent. Each of us has our unique skills and talents. Working together we will meet our needs. If we accept the notion that we receive for the purpose of sharing, we will be able to feed shelter and clothe all the children of the world and do this as a natural by-product of educating for world citizenship. I will not give up my Canadian Citizenship, but I understand that being a world citizen enables me to be part of a larger global community. We people that are working for social change must work together or what are we doing?
I challenge this committee to become world citizens. The success of our 1000 day plan will need your organization to facilitate the distribution of funds. Your organization understands this reality better than the Ted Turners of this world, who blindly plays in games with Maurice Strong and receives advice from VP's who only tell him what they think he wants to hear.
The internet and my home page, which is not mine, but rather the home page for all people on planet earth: is the major tool for democracy that exists on the planet to-day. Rather than buy into the mindset that Bill Gates says: put a computer in front of every child - I say give every child free access to the internet - then, "we not only may save humanity, but humanity will be worth saving."
Submitted by:
Mitchell Gold C.A.