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For Immediate Release:
TORONTO, July 20 1997.

Press Release:          http://www.homeplanet.org

homeplanet.org is the website for the children of the world. Focusing on a 1000 day plan to raise 100 Billion dollars for the children of the world.

Sponsors are being asked to tithe 1% of their income to the children of the World. Club-Web is the first such sponsor.

homeplanet.org is building a state of the art website, organic in nature, growing exponentially throughout the world, facilitating the paradigm shift we are experiencing. Serious questions will be posed weekly identifying the shift: from what - to what.

An ambitious undertaking of the Home Planet Alliance, a virtual organization working with United Nations NGO’s such as the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), the International Council for Adult Education(ICAE), American Numismatic Association (ANA), and other many other institutions and organizations.

Recognizing that UNICEF has a mere 1 Billion dollars for all the children of the world, and that the United Nations Reform recently announced a "no growth budget" (Toronto Star July 18th) , we find it necessary to take up the World Citizenship Challenge.

Using homeplanet.org website as the focal point for educational tools, processes, materials and general information on how to share information on issues of importance.

Using also the celebratory situation of the year 2000 with the theme "Food for Thought" the intention is to bring together individuals and organizations in Greenwich England (July 2000) at the Great Millennium Complex to acknowledge the highest qualities of humankind in thoughts words, and actions.

Launching of the site and the International Peace City 2000 program in September at the United Nations and on the world wide web is a strategy anticipated to get the largest exposure in the shortest time.

At Comdex Canada 97 proof of the concept for homeplanet.org was successfully tested and major interest was expressed from industry leaders from whom homeplanet.org is depending upon to provide the necessary resources.

It has been recognized that the problem is not how to raise money, the money is available in the hands, pockets, and bank accounts of world citizens. The problem is how do we spend the money. We are asking the major institutions like UNICEF to tell us how they would spend the 100 billion dollars. It is ludicrous to ask them to justify the 1 Billion dollars they are currently spending. You merely have to spend five minutes with their 1997 Report "The State of the World’s Children" to know this truth. There are twelve countries where two in ten children die and a further thirty four countries where one in ten die before their fifth birthday. This reality must offend even the most hardened individual.

Internet evolved through a Military application as an intelligence gathering device and it is now being applied by homeplanet.org as a peacebuilding tool while the majority perceive it to be an entertainment business toy.

This 1000 day plan for peace is realizable because of the advent of the internet: the most powerful democratization tool the world has ever had. 1000 days in Cyberspace = homeplanet.org = "give peace a chance".

We require the support of world citizens now.

for info: contact spokespersons:
Mitchell Gold - 416 - 924-4449    fax 416-924-4094   mitchell@homeplanet.org
Norman Evans - 416-340-1440   norman@homeplanet.org
Tracy Vormittag - 416-537-4361