Using the HOME PLANET ALLIANCE strategies,
students, teachers and parents
will achieve
Ten Essential Learning Outcomes
A.. Communicate effectively;
- demonstrate literacy and numerical skills, including ability
to use appropriate conventions symbols, and systems;
- use the language, models and symbols of all program areas
effectively and appropriately
- demonstrate sensitivity to the effect of language, symbols
and communication methods on audiences and on human activities
in general
- use a variety of forms, media, and languages to communicate
ideas, experiences and feelings.
B. Solve problems and make responsible decisions using critical
and creative thinking;
- raise questions and pursue creative solutions using a variety
of strategies
- conduct an inquiry with integrity and discipline;
- use a variety of services and resources within a school, the
community, and the broader society to gather and evaluate information;
- evaluate their problem-solving strategies and determine ways
of improving them.
C. Use technology effectively;
- use a wide range of processes, techniques, tools and materials
to gather information, solve problems, create and evaluate products,
and communicate results;
- use technology safely and ethically at schools, at home, and
in t the workplace;
- demonstrate the ability and willingness to evaluate the influence
of technological developments on people, communities, and the
D. demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related
- use appropriate ideas, models, and theories to investigate
and describe the natural and human made worlds;
- evaluate the interdependence of local national, and global
communities and their dependence on the environment
- describe the contributions to today's world of men and women
of many races, historical periods, and cultures
- analyze the causes and effects of power relationships within
groups in their immediate environment, the larger society and
the international community.
E. apply the skills needed to work and get along with other
- work collaboratively and effectively with others on a common
- demonstrate understanding of the ways in which individuals'
family background, language, and culture influence their ideas
and behavior;
- resolve conflict in peaceful, co-operative and equitable ways.
F. participate as responsible citizens in the life of the local,
national, and global communities;
- contribute constructively to the life of the classroom, the
school and the community;
- pursue excellence and originality in their own work and support
these qualities in the work of others;
- identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens of Canada
and demonstrate a commitment to Canadian Citizenship;
- demonstrate concern and care for the environment.
G. explore educational and career opportunities;
- demonstrate awareness of their personal values, strengths,
abilities, and aspirations and an understanding of how these will
influence their future choices and opportunities;
- demonstrate awareness of the available range of personal and
career opportunities;
- demonstrate understanding of the relationship between educational
achievement and career opportunities;
- demonstrate knowledge of a variety of workplaces and the roles,
skills, and abilities of people who work in them.
H. apply aesthetic judgment in everyday life;
- demonstrate awareness of aesthetic values in their everyday
- describe aesthetic qualities in natural and human made objects
and materials, and its relationships among them;
- apply aesthetic criteria in producing and evaluating work
in a variety of media;
- describe and evaluate their feelings and thoughts about the
natural world, their own work, and the work of others.
I. make wise and healthy choices for healthy living;
- use self-knowledge as a basis for decision making
- demonstrate the ability to reflect on their experiences and
learn from them;
- make informed choices that will contribute to their physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being;
- demonstrate the ability to respond to change in a positive
J. use the skills of learning more effectively;
- set appropriate goals for their learning, make realistic plans,
and keep track of and evaluate their progress;
- clarify their ideas by reflecting on their own thinking and
the response of others;
- describe the connections among various ideas and concepts.