Editor: Toronto Globe and Mail
Dear Sirs: re Paul Waldie - The many woes of Mr. Strong
I thought that the globe and Mail was a newspaper - not a historical review. Where in your article is any information concerning Mr. Strong’s current activities which make all of the observations in the article by Mr. Waldie pale by comparison. Where is the mention of his involvement with the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) and the OECD. Where is mention of the hidden agenda with Reform at the United Nations. Where is the reporting on the challenge that I personally gave Mr. Strong on the floor of UNICEF’s recent Executive Board meeting? Newspapers should be reporting what is important, not historical drivel. Unless of course that is what your readers expect. One reader asked me to look at this article hoping to glean some insight into the actions of Mr. Strong because he was aware of my initiatives.
Your paper continues to ignore issues of importance, and probably would not be interested in what we talk about on our website www.homeplanet.org. Maybe your readers would. In peace,
Mitchell L Gold C.A.
World Citizenship Challenge