Tel. 416-924-4449
Fax. 416-924-4094
December 16 , 1997
Board of Directors, or
Executive Director, or
President of the Corporation
Dear friend: re:
We are writing to you to bring to your attention our website, which is in fact a site intended to support your organizations' positive efforts to make a difference in your community. It is our intention to develop a funding base for organizations such as yours, and organizations that you would tend to support. Our funding base is developing on a global level, and while the concept of our initiative is large, it is also simple. The intention is to develop grass root support for the work.
Some agencies indicate a level of fear relative to our initiative, thinking that we are going to take money from their existing funding base. You may be assured that the exact opposite will be true. How can this be? Well, I can explain this to you in a number of different ways, but rather than expound upon philosophical theories you may just have to look into your heart to know the truth. Another truth will be whether or not you can take the time to determine how our work is integrated. How what we are doing is included in your own corporate mission and vision.
The truth of that realization will be determined in how you give your support. The teaching on our site is clear: all receiving is for the purpose of sharing. Giving is a form of sharing, and we know there are many levels of giving. We ask you to give to us: by supporting us in your thoughts words and actions, by promoting our site: take whatever lessons you choose from it.
Please display your support for the site, in your materials, letter heads, advertising etc. Consider it somewhat akin to the United Way support logo that you see with regular local agencies. When you do choose to support our initiative, then you will be eligible to draw from the funds our initiative develops. These are unusual times and most agencies are facing cutbacks, when what is needed is more funding now than ever before. The agencies supporting our initiative will be those that are taking a larger world view.
Is your agency or corporation one of these? Please take this request for support to your Board of Directors, and have them make a formal commitment towards this initiative. From there, we can look at how we can help you.
Please demonstrate your support by promoting the website This support will be a fundamental prerequisite before any funds are made available from our world efforts.
Mitchell Gold
Mitchell L Gold
Assistant to the Executive Vice-President
Canadian Chancellor
United Nations Plenipotentiary Envoy
Supporting: World Citizenship Challenge
Our 1000 Day Plan to raise $100 Billion for the Children was launched on September 16th at the United Nations. This challenge came as a result of a presentation we made to the Executive Board of UNICEF in June of this year. On the very first day, of our Program Ted Turner came forward meeting the challenge as best he could. $1 Billion over ten years. His spin doctors certainly made the best of it, and even to-day no one really knows how he is going to move his commitment forward.
The celebratory event in the year 2000 is under way. We have the attention of Peter Mendelson and Jennifer Page (PM of England Tony Blairs' representatives) to host this event at the Millennium Experience in Greenwich. Our vision is described on our site (see below).
In the interim, we are planning a series of events to build global awareness over the next two years using all forms of media. The core of this initiative is the internet in addition to a ten episode TV series on the Paradigm Shifts, a media insert for 10 issues, internet Programs, radio support mechanisms and Public Service TV, Radio, and Print, and a Country, City Participation Program.
Our opening salvo will occur on March 21st or June 21st, 1998 depending on certain other considerations. Raising $100B for the children will be the largest fund raising effort the world has ever experienced. And it may only take three days! If we do our job properly, and obtain the commitment from the people that know that $100 B is not such a difficult sum, we merely require the will to do it.
1% of gross sales for three days per year. Not a difficult number to digest.
from our World Citizenship Challenge //
Our Vision includes the culmination of a three year program which we call our 1000 Day Plan. We plan to celebrate our success in raising $100 Billion Dollars for the Children of the World in a celebration at the Great Millennium Complex in Greenwich England in July of the Year 2000. Children from around the world will participate in a World Flag Ceremony and say the words: May Peace Prevail on Earth. The Flag Ceremony will be done with vegetable dyed flags that as the final process of the ceremony comes, all flags will be stirred in hot cauldrons of "spirit" water and the cleansed white flags will come together under the "earth" flag as an image of surrendering to the one. We see a magnificent Peace Pole with attachments from children from all around the world and thousands of boys and girls singing "Imagine". It is a beautiful day with the smell of roses and flowers from around the world and the aroma of exotic foods in the air anticipating a wonderful feast. Artistic presentations of drum and dance acknowledging diverse world cultures will take place over the week-long event. This event will include the Tenth World Peace Congress of the IAEWP, the Seventh Congress of the World Natural Medicine Association, the participation of Native Elders from the First Nations of the World, with other events to be added as we move forward; and the whole program will be presented to the world through the Internet, and television.
The following is the outline for our TV series and the thinking behind our initiative.
As the Paradigm Shifts:
The problems of the world will not be solved by one individual, country, corporation, but by all of us sharing in the assimilation, synthesis and organizing of the pertinent data available to us. Information like population, food and energy resources. Using this we can then proceed in determining the actions that have to be taken today that will ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. We need to know these things in order to be able to feed, clothe and shelter the few billion more people that are going to show up on the planet in the next ten years. This evolutionary global planning session, established on the web, comprising discovery, agenda creation, strategy sessions and seminars, testing, monitoring and reporting. Holistic in nature, using many mediums to gather the necessary data and create an interface to all media and agencies on the planet through the world wide web. Contact our offices for further information.