a "uni" versity that educates humans utilizing an economic system based upon human values, (social justice, holistic thinking ) (guided by ISO 26000 and beyond), freely accessible using technology of our day, enhanced by accelerated learning processes (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) with a commitment to excellence. (economics, ethics, energy, and health)..
The above accomplished through Memorandum of Understandings with other initiatives (institutions, corporations, governing bodies,) that have demonstrated excellence in any one or more fields of endeavor and "intend" to move beyond -the "do no harm" concept - and "do good".
Distinctions from other Universities:
1) our financial proposition - developing a hybrid global currency and glocal economy at the same time as developing the University
2) our personnel proposition - developing jobs through our process - registration catalogue identifying rates in HTU's
3) our ethical proposition - relationship with the ISO 26000 Standards
4) our network proposition - community development approach through Occupy and Intentional Community networks with a cafe in every city
5) our pedagogical proposition - integration of kids and adults learning genuinely individually student paced
6) our curriculum proposition - our preparatory tool for e-learning integrated with practical hands on experiential learning
7) Our use of social media (Linked In), and the SMART phone integrating the above 6.